Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Sorry for being AWOL!

Wow, I hadn't realised I hadn't posted since November! So many things have gone on and I don't feel that I have time to catch up on 6 months worth of news, but I'll do a quick update on what is going on at the moment in my life.

Well I'm still making my cards, I've also got into making ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) and I have more recently got into making jewellery. I've been thinking more recently about trying to make pieces to sell so I might try and sort out a website for those soon!! I shall make another post completely with somre of my more recent makes as this post is more than likely going to get rather long otherwise!!

In the personal side of my life, I am currently not working, although there are a couple of things in the pipeline which I am working on!! On April 28th I got together with a fabulous guy called Ross and I can't get over how happy he makes me. We see each other most weekends and we're really close, it's lovely to be so happy with someone....and the way it has worked we've just kind of clicked and hit it off!! :)

I've also got back into the powerboat racing at Oulton Broad, it gives me another chance to go out on a Thursday night and to go and see Ross :) We went to the Nationals racing on May bank holiday weekend. I'm going to try and have a go this year as I've always wanted to and now it seems the best chance to get out then and try it.

Finally, I've got back into my photography in general. I've re-opened a DeviantART account which you can find the page of here should you wish to do so :)

I'll leave you with a photo of me and Ross together (think this was taken on 17th May)

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