Sunday, 12 October 2008

Challenge, Swap and a card Mum made!

This is my entry for the Christmas Tree Decoration challenge over on the CB forums! I used tea back folding with some blue shiney paper and then added "Merry Christmas" ribbon and some cute wooden character heads that I found in my local craft shop!

Above are my 2 tags for the October Tag Swap over on the CB forum, the theme was "Fairies" so I used 2 different style of fairy to create 2 different tags. It's my first go at tags and I'm not overly keen on them but I guess you can only get better with time and hopefully the tags I recieve back my help me learn more!

And finally....My Mum doesn’t do card making at all (she says it’s too fiddly and would drive her nuts, she’s an abstract painter though) but yesturday she sat down with me and I helped her to make this card for my Grandad (her Dad) for his birthday!

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