Thursday, 16 July 2009

Some more recycled jewellery

Next weekend I am going to a friend's wedding reception, and having already got the outfit I am going to wear (including some stunning shoes) I endeavoured to make this set of necklace, bracelet and clip-on earrings to match my shoes and to wear to the occasion!
The whole set was made using bits that I already had and beads from the bead set below that I chopped up from a £1 sale bargain and combined with the white beads!

In other news I started my new job this week so have been busy as heck with that! I think I'm going to love it but as it's shift work it's just fidning the time to fit in everything else that I want to do with my life!
Green Party bits are going fabulous.....Norwich North by-election next week and the press are backing Rupert Read to a lovely extent so very happy about that! Am also just waiting on our local councillor to get back to me about taking over the membership secretarial role so that will hopefully keep my mind busy....and of course don't forget Green Peace Fair on September 6th....all go for me atm then :)

Monday, 6 July 2009

Mr Mojoe Has Returned!!!

After what feels like an eternity, Mr Mojoe has decided to make a return from his summer holiday...and about flipping time too!! Made the following today.....

Earrings as part of a set for Bev's Recycled Jewellery Challenge on
Necklace as part of the same set for the same challenge.

Necklace and earrings as above photographed together as a set. (the whole set is to be sent to Bev to sell on to raise money for her church fund)

And finally a pair of pewter guitar charm earrings hung on neon pink chain with pink and purple acrylic star beads on silver plated (low nickle) ear wires. These are for sale for £3, contact me if interested.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Mojoe disappearance...

...I am going to go SPARE soon!

With the lovely weather we have had recently, Mr Mojoe has obviously decided that now is the perfect time for him to take his summer holiday. I'm not sure whether this is because I am getting low on stash and therefore am worried about using it, therefore not making anything at all....I have no idea!

No jewellery

No cards


I've sorted, shuffled, stacked, re-sorted, re-shuffled and re-stacked my craft stash time and time again but I just can't seem to get it together!

One of those times where I have loads of things that I'd like to make, but none of the enthusiasm to make it!! And I'm behind on my swaps as well! :(


*and breathe*

Am off to have a go and see what I can pull together, Mum's asked me to make her a pendant with some sea glass she found the other day so I'm going to give that a go while watching TV....I'll try update you with pictures of new makes as soon as Mr Mojoe returns.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Summer Solstice Wishes

Summer Solstice
Sunday 21st June 2009

As the sun spirals it's longest dance.

Cleanse Us.

As nature shows bounty and fertility.

Bless Us.

Ket akk things live with loving intent

And to fulfil their truest destiny.

Happy Summer Solstice.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

More Earrings FOR SALE

Just another couple of pairs of earrings for sale.
1 ~ Pewter butterfly charm and purple beaded drop earrings on silver plated (low nickle) ear wires - £3

2 ~ Green glass cylinder bead drop earrings on silver plated (low nickle) ear wires - £3

And just to show these off, the following two pairs of earrings have been SOLD, these were made in a similar style to a couple of previous sets I have displayed but with a green theme for someone as requested. I am able to make similar sets of all of my pieces or can suggest an alternative if similar pieces are not available.
Sold for £3 a pair.

Friday, 12 June 2009

New Earrings {FOR SALE}

So as you are all aware I have started to make some jewellery now. This blog is to bring you my first lot of items for sale, just a few pairs of single-drop earrings on silver plated (low nickle) ear wires.
All jewellery comes complete with it's own dispaly gift card/box dependant on requirements. These can be made for a special occasion if required (please e-mail if this is so) or will come as standard in colours to match the piece if not notified of special reqirements.
More pictures and information about purchasing any of the following items are available via e-mail.
1 ~ Yellow Cats Eye and Black Acrylic "Bumblebee" drop earrings. : £3
2 ~ Purple shell disc and round acrylic drop earrings : £3

3 ~ Pink shell sqaure and crackle glass drop earrings : £3

4 ~ "In The Pinks" acrylic beaded drop earrings : £3

5 ~ Clear cube and blue acrylic beaded drop earrings : £3

A few recent jewellery makes!

As well as my card making/papercraft I've just got into jewellery making over the past couple of months as well! Below are a few of my favourite personal projects (these are not for sale). I shall be posting a few pieces this afternoon (in a seperate blog) that I intend to sell.
1 ~ Glass crackled beads, clear with a hint of pink, with a resin heart pendant. Made on tigertail with nickle toggle style clasp.
2 ~ Silver based charm braclet with toggle style clasp. Decorated with various buttons, glass beads, resin beads and a couple of tumbled stone beads.

3 ~ Wire wrapped adjustable silver plated ring with resin beads.

4~ Pewter cow handbag charm with purple resin beads.

5 ~ Silver plated kilt pin brooch with glass and resin beads in a green theme.

6 ~ Memory Wire Friendship braclet with puple resin and silver plastic butterfly detail beads. Part of a pair, one with the initial K (for me) and one with the initial N (for a friend).

7 ~ Green crackle glass and resin beads on memory wire, made into earrings for a friend.

As I said, these are all personal projects either for myself of for friends as gifts. If there is anything that catches your eye then I can make similar items to order so please don't hesitate to contact me.